DDEA Early-Career Researcher Awards 2025 Read the call for nomination Online nomination formCategory: AwardsNominator and nominee information Full name of the nominator * Enter your full name E-mail (nominator) * Full name of the nominee * E-mail (nominee) * Place of employment of the nominee Institution or company * - Select -Copenhagen Business SchoolIT University of CopenhagenRoskilde UniversityTechnical University of DenmarkUniversity of CopenhagenUniversity of Southern DenmarkAalborg UniversityAarhus UniversityAmager HospitalBispebjerg HospitalFrederiksberg HospitalGentofte HospitalHerlev HospitalHvidovre HospitalOdense University HospitalRigshospitaletAalborg University HospitalAarhus University HospitalSteno Diabetes Center CopenhagenSteno Diabetes Center OdenseSteno Diabetes Center North JutlandSteno Diabetes Center ZealandSteno Diabetes Center AarhusPrivate company, please state which in otherOther, please state which in other If Other or Private company, please state name of the institution or company Department Research area Please select the nominee's primary research area * - Select -DiabetesThyroid disordersCalcium metabolism and bonePituitary and adrenal gland diseasesGonadal diseasesOther (Exercise physiology, anorexia nervosa, obesity, etc.) Other research area Please upload the nomination form and CV including publication list of the candidate (in one single PDF file) * Files must be less than 4 MB.Allowed file types: pdf.